Tutorial on how to test the Polka.Domain APP

1 min readNov 3, 2021

Hi community, it’s time for us to present to you our progress. This article will explain to you on how to test the Polka.Domain APP.

Test the Polkadomain APP:

Claim test tokens by visiting the faucet at https://app.element.io/#/room/#polkadomain-faucet:matrix.org,

The following commands are supported:
!balance (Returns faucet’s balance)
!drip <Address> (Sends NAMEs to <Address>)
!help (Prints this message)


Head over to https://app.polkadomain.org/

Our Progress


  1. Further enhanced responsive pages
  2. Optimized overall user experience
  3. Exported the content as JSON files in preparation for internationalization


  1. Upgraded code dependency library to polkadot-v0.9.10, that supports XCM V1.
  2. Connected to the XToken module
  3. Realized cross-chain asset transfer between the relay chain and the PolkaDomain chain
  4. Further developed cross-chain test scripts, the configuration of cross-chain fees, and the verification process of cross-chain transactions.

We will keep developing, stay tuned for more updates.

About Polka.Domain

Polka.Domain is the interoperable and decentralized blockchain naming service with an integrated domain and NFT marketplace built on Polkadot.

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