PolkaDomain November Update
Dec 6, 2021
Since last months update, Polka.Domain has progressed in development and we would like to like you on the progress. We continue working hard to develop a Polkadot based domain name service.
Update and development log from November is as follows:
- Polkadot dependency updated to polkadot-v0.9.12 and added support for support XCM V2 protocol.
- Completed migration from XCM protocol Version 1 to Version 2 and started compatibility testing.
- Added PolkaDomain integration test environment code.
- Optimized benchmark to support weight fee.
- Updated polkadot-launch to optimize peers connection between relay chain and parachain.
- Started research related to cross-chain, including projects: https://github.com/paritytech/parity-bridges-common, https://github.com/paritytech/grandpa-bridge-gadget, preparing for future access to Ethereum.
About Polka.Domain
Polka.Domain is the interoperable and decentralized blockchain naming service with an integrated domain and NFT marketplace built on Polkadot.