Polkadomain May Development Update

May 30, 2022

Since last months update, Polka.Domain has progressed in development and we would like to like you on the progress. We continue working hard to develop a Polkadot based domain name service.

Update and development log from May is as follows:

1. Update dependencies to polkadot-v0.9.20 and polkadot-v0.9.22.

2. Switches to a new JSON-RPC server library jsonrpc.

3. Upgrade rust toolchain.

4. Add new command to benchmark the hardware.

As always our source code can be found on https://github.com/polka-domain

About Polka.Domain

Polka.Domain is the interoperable and decentralized blockchain naming service with an integrated domain and NFT marketplace built on Polkadot.

