Polka.Domain — 16th of April $NAME Public Sale Details

We are excited to announce details and winners for our public sale event happening this Friday (April 16th) on Polka.Domain.
- Whitelist winners can be found HERE
- PolkaDomain Winners (domains will be reserved and granted to winners during product launch), HERE
Summary ✍🏽
- Whitelist winners can be found HERE
- Initial market-cap: $150,000
- Initial circulating supply (excluding liquidity): 3.125%
- NAME token address (ETHscan):
👉🏽 0xe1a4c5bbb704a92599fedb191f451e0d3a1ed842👈🏽
- NAME will be listed on Uniswap with $100,000 total liquidity at the time of the auction.
Timeline of Auction Day ✨
April 16, 2021 (all times are in UTC)
12:00 Telegram chat muted.
13:00 Auction starts on Polka.Domain.
13:00 Uniswap LISTING
14:00 Auction participants will be able to claim their tokens on Polka.Domain
16:00 Telegram chat unmuted.
Auction Details
Start Time: 13:00 UTC
Total supply: 312,500 NAME at $0.16 in ETH
Allocation per wallet: $250 in ETH
Duration: 1 hour
Claim Time: 14:00 UTC
Participant: Whitelisted addresses only
Auction Walkthrough
Below are the step-by-step instructions on how to participate in the Public Sale through Polka.Domain.
First, make sure you are on the Ethereum Mainnet and connect your wallet. If you happen to arrive early, please patiently wait until the countdown hits zero.

You will be able to click “Join Auction” when the auction goes live at 13:00 UTC.

We will then verify your credentials. Only whitelisted addresses can participate. Once you are in the auction, you can review and confirm your contribution.

Click Contribute to interact with your wallet, you will receive a “Success!” message if the transaction went through. Otherwise please try again 😊.

Come back to us at 14:00 UTC to claim your $NAME 😉.

Click to Claim Tokens when it becomes available.

Tokens will arrive in your wallet shortly after you see the following message:

Uniswap listing address will be announced on our Telegram and Twitter, make sure you follow us! 👇🏽
TelegramANN: https://t.me/PolkaDomain
TelegramChat: https://t.me/Polkadomainchat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/polkadomain
See you soon!